Chiasson has never topped 38pt in his NHL career. He's also a career minus player. What kind of "depth" are the B's planning to build with such a player? Sweeney and Neely must go. Their incompetence in the face of our two elite centers eventual retirement verges on the criminal.

And borderline "signings" aren't going to move the needle one iota.

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I wouldn't call this a borderline signing. I'd call this a depth signing. They are building NHL depth rather than relying on AHL players/unproven prospects if injuries or ineffectiveness hits their forward group. I'm going to reserve judgement on what they do at center until we see the full picture at the end of the year. If they trade for a No. 1 C before the trade deadline, I think they are going to be just fine. Not as good as last year...certainly. But still a playoff team.

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I'm of the same mind. If the Bruins can trade for a #1 center, the rest of the team is good enough for the Bruins to compete. However, I'm dubious as to how much the Bs have to offer any other team, for such a transaction to be feasible. Are we going to put Marchand or Pasta on the trading block? Any center good enough to move the needle for the Bruins and at least partly "fill the skates" of elite players like Krejci and Bergeron, isn't going to come cheap.

Ironically, perhaps DeBrusk's success on the 1st line had as much to do with Bergeron as his own talents. If his production falls off, he might be attractive to a team that needs speed, hustle, and who believe they have the talent necessary to complement DeBrusk's abilities.

I know that sports writers like yourself are constrained in how much they can publicly blame GMs and the like for their perceived failures. Still, as a fan, I feel it almost an obligation to hold Sweeney and Neely's feet to the fire for failing to find even "adequate" replacements in the 2 decades of Bergeron's career. Unfortunately, "speaking truth to power" is no longer a primary duty of today's journalism, sports or otherwise. Maybe, if there had been more public pressure applied over those years, we wouldn't be in this situation today.

Just saying...

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